Due to a vast number of honey plants, it is common for honey produced on the island of Cres to have multiple nectar sources. The prevailing nectar is that of sage, but if there is a lot of rain during flowering period, literaly hundreds of types of plants flower. Sometimes they don't flower for years waiting for the right moment for themselves. They are all very attractive to bees so they head for them. Occasionally honeydew can appear on one of the trees as well. Spina christi regularly flowers next to sage, especially near the villages of Merag and Stivan. Honey with more spina christi nectar chrystallizes quicker in winter.
The beauty of this kind of honey lies in the fact that it rarely appears in the same ratios, which makes it unique. Far from pollution, bathed in Mediterranean sun, tiny flowers of the rugged island smell in quiet sunsets accompanied by the sounds of crickets inviting bees to visit them with the first rays of morning sun.