Royal jelly

What is royal jelly?

Royal jelly is a white and creamy sour substance. It is secreted in the glands of worker bees that are between 5 and 15 days old. Its production is abundant when there is a lot of pollen coming to bee community. The importance of royal jelly for bees is huge and truly amazing. Young bees produce it and feed it to queen bee. The queen lays more than 2000 eggs a day which are double her weight. Such impressive biological production and stimulating effect of royal jelly encouraged scientific research that proved many benefits on human organism, too.


So far man has not found a substance that contains such vast number of various vitamins and in such quantities as it is found in royal jelly. It is a multivitamin bee product of complicated chemical composition. Its effect is similar to that of hormones that influence the mechanisms of the most complicated life processes. It contains 8 essential amino acids, protein, fats and carbohydrates.


Royal jelly is a very sensitive substance. If stored fresh, it has to be in a fridge. Recommended dosage is 1 g daily for adults, 0,5 g for children older that 5. If given to newborns, dosage is calculated according to its weight (0,01 g per kilo). In our family, we mix royal jelly with honey and take it once a day, a teaspoon in the morning.





Royal jelly




Bee venom


