Which honey is the best?
The best honey is the one you are sure of it was handled properly during production and extraction. Honey loses its quality when heated during filling, when beekeepers don't wait long enough after bees are sick and when stored inappropriately, in inappropriate rooms or containers. As far as the type of honey is concerned, each contains specific features and everybody can find their own favourite type.
What is the difference between honey bought from the beekeeper and the one bought in a supermarket?
The basic difference is that when you buy honey from the producer, you can be fairly sure of its quality. Any honest beekeeper will, at your request, show you where and how he/she produced the honey. He/ she can explain every tiny detail of each year and the conditions under which the honey was being produced. At your request he/she can provide you with the results of microbiological analysis of the honey you are interested in. You can be sure of its geographical origin and you can also get detailed instructions on usage. In most cases the price is lower or the same as the one in the supermarket because it hasn't been resold that many times.
The honey bought in the supermarket is among thousands of other products and there are many unanswered questions about it.
Why does honey crystallize and can it be consumed when crystalliyed?
Crystallization is a natural honey feature and crystallized honey is perfectly safe to use. Certain honey types crystallize faster than others. Honey that contains more natural glucose usually crystallize faster that the ones that contain more fructose. When the crystallization process begins, it continues faster and faster. It can be restored to liquid state by heating honey at temperature up to 40 degrees Celsius during several hours. Be careful not to overheat it because it loses its quality.
Is there a difference between honey that has just been extracted and the one that has been stored for a while?
Honey is, just like wine or olive oli, 'alive'. Honey that has just been extracted should be stored for at least 3 to 4 months before the enzimes stabilize and the honey acquires its richness in flavour and colour. If it is stored properly, i.e. protected form moist and high temperature, honey can retain its quality for a few years.
How to use honey?
Honey can be taken directly by spoon, in various drinks or spread on bread or pancakes. It is made of monosaccharides, simple sugars, which means it is easily digested and gives you energy right away. Some people feel stomachache after taking honey by spoon. We recommend to melt honey in a glass of warm water or some other drink.
Can children younger than a year eat honey?
Even though there is no evidence that honey can be potentially harmful at this age, it is best to check with your doctor.
How to be sure if honey is genuine or not?
There are many tips and tricks to find out if the honey is not genuine, but none of them are a hundred percent accurate. The best indicator is a ballance between colour, aroma and flavour. Honey shouldn't have a strong smell of a plant, like a parfume. The best way to avoid such problems is to get honey from a reliable beekeeper.